We are using ncryptoki to sign PDFs with our Safenet HSM. I have attached the code (VB) below.
Everything worked fine the last years. But now the CA required us to activate FIPS mode on the HSM for the new certificate. Now we get the error -2147483542 at
pdfSigner.SignPDFFile(infile, selector, outfile)
As said, the only thing that has changed is that the HSM is now in FIPS mode. Do you have any idea of how we have to adapt our code so that it will work again?
Thank you very much
Public Shared Function signPdfNCryptoki(ByVal infile As String, ByVal outfile As String) As Boolean
Dim ErrorCode As Integer = 0
ErrorCode = erCode + 20
'set License Information
DigitalSigner.Licensee = NDigitSignLicensee
DigitalSigner.ProductKey = NDigitSignProductKey
' Creates a Cryptoki object related to the specific PKCS#11 native library
Dim digitalSigner__1 As New DigitalSigner(c.cp.CertDevice.CryptokiPath)
' open a session
' login
Dim selector As ICertificateSelector
selector = New MySimpleCertificateSelector()
' creates a TSA client
Dim tsaClient As TSAClient = Nothing
Dim pdfSigner As New PDFDigitalSigner(digitalSigner__1)
'set parameters
pdfSigner.AddCACertificate = False
pdfSigner.TsaClient = tsaClient
pdfSigner.SignatureReason = c.cp.PDFsignReason
'pdfSigner.SignatureLocation = c.cp.PDFsignLocation
'pdfSigner.SignatureContact = ""
pdfSigner.CAdES = False
pdfSigner.SignatureOnPage = 1
pdfSigner.SignaturePositionLowerLeftX = 5
pdfSigner.SignaturePositionLowerLeftY = 5
pdfSigner.SignaturePositionUpperRightX = 500
pdfSigner.SignaturePositionUpperRightY = 50
pdfSigner.FontSize = 8
pdfSigner.SignatureImg = Image.FromFile("pdf\jpg\" + c.cp.PDFsignImage)
'pdfSigner.SignatureMessage = "Signed by NDigitSign"
If infile = outfile Then
'rename infile
System.IO.File.Move(infile, infile + ".tmp")
infile = infile + ".tmp"
End If
'Log.Write("DEBUG", "PDFSigner: START")
'Log.Write("DEBUG", "Infile: " & infile.ToString)
'Log.Write("DEBUG", "Outfile: " & outfile.ToString)
pdfSigner.SignPDFFile(infile, selector, outfile)
'Log.Write("DEBUG", "PDFSigner: END")
signPdfNCryptoki = True
Catch ex As Exception
Log.Write("PDF", "ERROR in signing PDF file: " & ex.Message)
SetStatus(ErrorCode, "ERROR in signing PDF file: " & ex.Message)
signPdfNCryptoki = False
End Try
End Function
Class MySimpleCertificateSelector
Implements ICertificateSelector
Public Function [Select](ByVal session As Session) As Certificate Implements ICertificateSelector.Select
Dim template As New CryptokiCollection()
template = New CryptokiCollection()
template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CLASS, CryptokiObject.CKO_CERTIFICATE))
template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, NCryptoki.X509Certificate.CKC_X_509))
Dim objs As CryptokiCollection = session.Objects.Find(template, 10)
'Log.Write("DEBUG", "MySimpleCertifiateSelector: Found Objects " & objs.Count.ToString)
If objs.Count = 0 Then Throw New Exception("NCryptoki Certificate not found: " & c.cp.CertDevice.ID)
Return DirectCast(objs.Item(0), Certificate)
End Function
End Class