Hi There,
I'm using NCryptoki in a console app, and I'm seeing some confusing results. I'm trying to integrate with a SafeNet HSM. After I initialize the cryptoki object, I look for the slots. One thing I find strange is that I have no ActiveSlots. The other thing I find strange is that all the Slots have no token present. Because I have no token present, I can't open a session. I'm trying to connect to a hapg in the second slot.
When I try to connect using the LunaProvider.jar file, it is telling me that I the token is present for each slot. Any ideas on what might be the difference between the two?
static void Main(string[] args) { String DllLocation = @"C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cryptoki.dll"; Cryptoki cryptoki = new Cryptoki(DllLocation); int initializeReturnCode = cryptoki.Initialize();
if (initializeReturnCode != 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to initialize"); }
SlotList slotList = cryptoki.Slots; if (slotList.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No Slots Available"); }
foreach (Slot s in slotList) { Console.WriteLine("SlotID {0}, is token present {1}" , s.SlotID, s.IsTokenPresent); }
Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try{ String toSign = "THISISATEST"; LunaSlotManager slotManager = LunaSlotManager.getInstance(); if(slotManager.isLoggedIn()) { System.out.println("Already logged into one slot"); } String tokenlabel; ByteArrayInputStream is1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(("slot:2").getBytes()); slotManager.login("Label", "Password"); for (int i = 1; i <= slotManager.getNumberOfSlots(); i++) { // Since it is possible to have a slot without a token present // check to see if there is a token present if (slotManager.isTokenPresent(i)) { tokenlabel = slotManager.getTokenLabel(i); // Each Luna SA partiton or HSM has a label that is created // during setup of the HSM. Labels are commonly used to // distinguish one partition or HSM from another. System.out.println("Slot: " + i + " token label: " + tokenlabel); } } KeyStore myStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Luna"); myStore.load(is1, "password".toCharArray()); Key key = myStore.getKey("KeyLabel", null); byte[] toSignBytes = toSign.getBytes(); Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA", "LunaProvider"); sig.initSign((PrivateKey)key); sig.update(toSignBytes); byte realSig[] = sig.sign(); System.out.println("Done"); }
are you sure that C# and Java code are using the same underlying PKCS#11 module?