I'm using Virtual HSM for testing. My system is a Windows 2008 64bit, but I installed vcki as 32bit because my application is 32bit as well.
First I imported my certificate with private key from Windows certificate store into Virtual HSM following the instructions here: http://wiki.ncryptoki.com/How-to-import-a-pfx-or-a-p12-file.ashx
The file "Virtual Smart Card Reader.bin" was created in ProgramData.
Then I compiled FullTestNDigitSign as 32bit.
When I try to sign a text with FullTestNDigitSign, I must first chose my certificate and then I get an error no 48 at line
SignedDocument sd = dsign.Sign(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(textToSign.Text), new SimpleCertificateSelector());
When I'm using a real HSM instead of Virtual HSM it is working fine.
I guess I'm having a problem with the imported certificate and key (it is a self-signed certificate used for testing).
Any idea what goes wrong?
Thank you and kind regards