

Error message when logging in

12/19/2012 3:30:52 PM
Total Posts 17

Error message when logging in


when trying to login to the session I get error message 258..

Dim nRes As Integer = session.Login(session.CKU_USER, "mypassword")


but I can not find anywhere what this error message means..


Best regards


12/19/2012 3:42:24 PM
Total Posts 300
Ugo Chirico

Re: Error message when logging in

The error 258 (102 hex) is CKR_USER_PIN_NOT_INITIALIZED

The list of PKCS#11 errors is defined here in our wiki:

12/21/2012 11:50:25 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Error message when logging in

A somewhat related question:


When trying to attach the pkcs#11 native file from the HSM supplier I get the error message that:


"The specified Cryptoki library is not found. Please check the path."

This means that either the path is not correct or that the dll is not compatible with ncryptoki (right?)


Are there any compatibility issues if you are running a earlier version of PKCS#11 say 2.10 instead of 2.20??

Best regards


12/23/2012 1:47:38 PM
Total Posts 300
Ugo Chirico

Re: Error message when logging in

There isn't any compatibility issue for NCryptoki.

That error can be caused by one of the following:

1) the path is wrong

2) there are some missed dependencies for the HSM''s dll (i.e. a dll used by the HSM PKCS#11 module is missed.

3) your app is compiled for 64bit and you are tryng to load a 32 bit version of the HSM's dll (or viceversa)