

NCryptoki.tlb import results in "Incomplete type is not allowed"

4/19/2012 11:23:54 AM
Total Posts 2

NCryptoki.tlb import results in "Incomplete type is not allowed"


We've successfully used NCryptoki in WPF and web services for some time now.

I would now like to create a multi-browser plugin which uses NCryptoki to perform various actions on a USB token plugged into the client's PC.

BTW. I've been able to use NCryptoki in an ActiveX control but that limits us to using Internet Explorer.

To create a multi-browser plugin I've been investigating the FireBreath framework which has a template that creates a VS2010 C++ solution.


In my C++ project I've created a SecurityToken class so I have a SecurityToken.h and SecurityToken.cpp.

In SecurityToken.h I have the following import statements:

#import "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.tlb"
#import "C:\Dev Tools\FireBreath\projects\HelloWorld\Lib\NCryptoki.tlb"

VS2010 creates the NCryptoki.tlh and tli files.

I then define a Cryptoki object:

Cryptoki *cryptoki;

This all compiles.


Then in SecurityToken.cpp I try to initialize my cryptoki object:

std::string libPath = "C:\\TempMN\\eTPKCS11.dll";
this->cryptoki = new Cryptoki(libPath);


This gives the compilation error:

error C2514: 'NCryptoki::Cryptoki' : class has no constructors


The NCryptoki.tlh has the following definitions for the Cryptoki structure:

struct /* coclass */ Cryptoki;
struct __declspec(uuid("7ec26c78-4297-43e0-bdbc-5477362d8c53"))
// [ default ] interface _Cryptoki
// interface _Object
// interface ICryptoki


I don't know why the interface definitions are commented out. I could uncomment these but the top of the tlh file has a comment telling me NOT to edit this file. Probably because it gets auto generated.


It's been years since I wrote any C++ so I'm sure I've made a schoolboy error somewhere, perhaps I'm missing an option in the import statement.

Perhaps what I'm trying to do isn't even possible using NCryptoki.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.







4/19/2012 7:35:37 PM
Total Posts 300
Ugo Chirico

Re: NCryptoki.tlb import results in "Incomplete type is not allowed"

the COM version doesn't have the constructor with path parameter.
You should use the default constructor and call the method Init:

 this->cryptoki = new Cryptoki();
int ret = this->cryptoki->Init(libPath);

and that's all.

4/20/2012 6:29:45 PM
Total Posts 2

Re: NCryptoki.tlb import results in "Incomplete type is not allowed"

Hi Ugo,

Thanks for your reply.


this->cryptoki = new Cryptoki();

still doesn't compile. Error says "Incomplete type is not allowed". Possibly because it doesn't know how much memory to allocate for a Cryptoki object.

One of many things I tried is the following:

//Is this allocating memory for a Cryptoki object?
Cryptoki myCryptokiObj();

//Create a pointer to a Cryptoki object
Cryptoki (*myCryptokiObjPtr)();

//Get address of our allocated Cryptoki object. However this generates the following linker error:
//error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct NCryptoki::Cryptoki __cdecl myCryptokiObj(void)" (?myCryptokiObj@@YA?AUCryptoki@NCryptoki@@XZ) C:\Dev Tools\FireBreath\build\projects\HelloWorld\SecurityToken.obj HelloWorld
myCryptokiObjPtr = &myCryptokiObj; 

int result = myCryptokiObjPtr->Init(libPath);


I'm struggling to know what else to try as I don't "speak" C++! :-)

I'm obviously missing something for example, do we need a NCryptoki.lib for the linker?

BTW.  I ran "regasm /tlb /codebase NCryptoki.dll" as mentioned in the VB6 COM part of the documentation.


I know this is being cheeky but I don't suppose there is any VS C++ sample code that works having imported NCryptoki.tlb or even a VS C++ project! If I could just work out how to instantiate a Cryptoki object I would hopefully manage the Token and Session objects.


Many thanks,
