

How to know if a smartcard has been inserted or removed

7/22/2015 12:04:44 PM
Total Posts 1

How to know if a smartcard has been inserted or removed


I am developing a C# digital signature application using the test <span data-scayt_word="NCryptoki" data-scaytid="10">NCryptoki API.

I would like to know if there is a way to know if a <span data-scayt_word="smartcard" data-scaytid="16">smartcard has been inserted or removed. Is there a callback that can be used to accomplish this target? Or is it necessary to use a timer to verify if a card is present or not?


Thank you very much for your help.

Stefano <span data-scayt_word="Zabucchi" data-scaytid="41">Zabucchi.

7/23/2015 10:00:25 AM
Total Posts 300
Ugo Chirico

Re: How to know if a smartcard has been inserted or removed

You can use the method Cryptoki.WaitForSlotEvent as described in the documentation: