object list

6/29/2012 12:19:38 PM
Total Posts 4

object list


I have a SafeNet HSM and about 30 private keys/public keys/certificates on one slot. When I try to list those objects using C# and ncryptoki I see only 10 of them.  Is there a way to find out why?

Thank You,

6/29/2012 12:36:49 PM
Total Posts 300
Ugo Chirico http://www.ugochirico.com

Re: object list

 you got 10 objects because you call the Find method specifying 10 objects in output:   

// Launchs the search with the template just created
CryptokiCollection objects = session.Objects.Find(template, 10);  


change 10 with 100 or something other and you will got all the objects.

6/29/2012 12:48:54 PM
Total Posts 4

Re: object list

oh my God :) Sory for that post.

