I have created a simple test appplication for signing a PDF based on the FullTestNDigitSign example.
The PDF is signed with
pdfSigner.SignPDFFile([input file], selector, [output file])
Selector is defined as
Dim selector As ICertificateSelector
selector = New SimpleCertificateSelector()
In my case (SafeNet HSM) when running the pdfSigner.SignPDFFile command, a pop-up window opens where I can select the certificate I want to use to sign the PDF.
My question: I have only one certificate in the slot. I want that this certififate is selected automatically, without user interaction. How can I do this?
Many thanks
You can see in the example folder. There is a file SimpleCertificateSelector that implements the interface ICertificateSelector.
Following such template you can write your own CertificateSelector following your requirements.
Thank you Ugo, I have overlooked the example file SimpleCertificateSelector.cs
Based on your example I created my own selector which returns the first certificate of the slot "slotname":
Class SimpleCertificateSelector2 Implements ICertificateSelector Public Function [Select](ByVal session As Session) As Certificate Implements ICertificateSelector.Select Dim template As New CryptokiCollection() template = New CryptokiCollection() template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CLASS, CryptokiObject.CKO_CERTIFICATE)) template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, NCryptoki.X509Certificate.CKC_X_509)) template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_LABEL, "slotname")) Dim objs As CryptokiCollection = session.Objects.Find(template, 1) If objs.Count = 0 Then Throw New Exception Return DirectCast(objs.Item(0), Certificate) End Function End Class
Class SimpleCertificateSelector2 Implements ICertificateSelector
Public Function [Select](ByVal session As Session) As Certificate Implements ICertificateSelector.Select
Dim template As New CryptokiCollection() template = New CryptokiCollection() template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CLASS, CryptokiObject.CKO_CERTIFICATE)) template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, NCryptoki.X509Certificate.CKC_X_509)) template.Add(New ObjectAttribute(ObjectAttribute.CKA_LABEL, "slotname")) Dim objs As CryptokiCollection = session.Objects.Find(template, 1) If objs.Count = 0 Then Throw New Exception Return DirectCast(objs.Item(0), Certificate)
End Function End Class
Thanks for the great support, great examples and great software .